It is certainly possible that quantum theory may not be exact for larger systems in macroscopic level, although a vast majority of physicists and scientists would cringe even considering the possibility. Actually, the main point is that quantum theory works so well when it is typically applied to microscopic systems: molecules, atoms and sub-atomic particles. So, there is no real motivation speculating any modification of the basic postulates of quantum theory. There are indeed strong reasons to believe that the basic principles of quantum mechanics are here to stay. Usually, all the attempts to change the rules of quantum physics come from a false motivation which is to "make sense" of quantum theory. But quantum mechanics makes perfect sense because it allows the calculation of properties and behavior of physical systems at microscopic level for molecules, atoms as well as sub-atomic particles. 

   Actually, one experiment has proven Quantum field Theory to be wrong as far as the Heisenberg/Schrödinger model is concerned. The fact that light is made of photons is shown in nature and makes sense in the universe like F=ma makes sense. For lasers to work, light has to be photons. But that is probably the one given under Quantum Theory. Anything beyond the fact that light appears in quanta is something that has to stand the test. But in fact it is true that where Quantum field Theory fails is in the vacuum energy predicted by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and the Schrödinger wave equation for ground state of the electron. This value for the energy in the vacuum predicted by the current theories of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and the Schrödinger wave equation is proven wrong and called the Vacuum Catastrophe. In quantum field theory, the quantum vacuum state (also called the vacuum state) is the quantum state with the lowest possible energy. Generally, it contains no physical particles. The word zero-point field is sometimes used as a synonym for the vacuum state of a quantized field which is completely individual. Therefore, it is "by no means a simple empty space". According to quantum mechanics, the vacuum state is not truly empty but instead contains fleeting electromagnetic waves and particles that pop into and out of the quantum field.

   Though, the recent Nobel laureate Prof. Alain Aspect has conducted experiments to prove the violation of bell's inequalities, it is in fact true that no physicist believes the results of the EPR experiment in general and of Aspect's experiment in particular—in perfect agreement with the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics—challenge, in any way whatsoever, the relativity principle according to which no form of energy (matter or force), and therefore no usable information, can travel faster than the speed of light nor does it, as a consequence, challenge the derived relativist causality principle. It can easily be proven that quantum entanglement cannot be used to instantaneously transmit information from one space-time point to the other without actually any means of signal or communication. The results measured on the first particle are random; the state alterations on the other particle induced by these measurements—as instantaneous as they may be according to the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics and Aspect's experiment's results—lead to measurement results relative to the second particle which are seemingly just as random: no usable information can be separately obtained upon measuring, and the correlations remain undetectable as long as the two series' results are not compared. This kind of experiment demonstrates the unavoidable need for a "classical" signal in the relativistic sense in order to transmit the information necessary for the detection of these correlations. Therefore, I do strongly argue and conclude that quantum entanglement fails severely to explain locality problem and realism where without any transmission signal or any means of communication, nothing can be transmitted. It determines the speed of the transmission of information which reaffirms the fundamental principle of relativity. As a result, the relativist causality principle is perfectly compatible with the EPR experiments results.

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  1. Wow! This is really fascinating and beautiful article. Keep it up!


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